Friday, January 30, 2009

Robert and 1926 T-model Ford at the Bauxite Community Hall Memorial weekend in 2004. The town has a reunion of all the folks who ever lived in Bauxite and Pine Haven as well as the country around there the Saturday before Memorial Day.

Marjorie Williams on the left with our sister-in-law, Mary Lee Williams on the beach at Sanibel Island, Fla. in Nov. 1966.

Fred and Kay Riley at Little Torch Key, Fla. with nice Permit caught in the bay behind them. This dock at their house was next door to my Boatel. My wife Marge took this picture with a Polaroid using 3000 speed black and white when it was almost dark.

Robert's van in 2008 with campaign stickers. Robert worked the phones for Republican candidates in 2004, 2006, and 2008.

Robert with Michelle Sutterfield in UCA Stadium. She is a singer with the Christian Rock Band "Higher Call". They gave a concert to benefit the Bethlehem House in Conway, Ark. at the stadium in June 2005.

Robert with daughter Eydie Fuis in W. Palm Beach, Fla. in summer 2000.

Robert's Sig 4-Star 40 in Dec. 1996

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Robert with Republican friend Ann Thompson. She is the Arkansas, United States, and World Champion at Rooster Crowing. Ann appeared on the "TONIGHT SHOW" with Jay Leno last March, and was well received with her performance. Also with her talk with Jay about her future plans. She is now a student at The University of Central Arkansas in the program to become a Doctor of Veterinary. She loves working with animals and raises Labrador Retrievers.

My good Conservative Republican friends. Angela Roberson on the left with Genifer Black at one of our monthly meetings. Angel is a wonderful speaker and published the conservative newspaper for the black community in North Little Rock, Ark. called "THE OTHER SIDE". She teaches school, and works on radio broadcasting.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Robert and Marjorie Williams in Dec. 1967 heading out to a Christmas party in Opa Locka, Fla. We did the Rumba, Cha-Cha, and the Conga Line together for several years. We had 14 years before she was taken by cancer Dec. 15, 1977. We also worked together during those years. We met on the job at the Danair Corp. where I was the shop-foreman of a FAA certified aircraft instrument overhaul business. Later we helped found Master Instruments at Opa Locka and in 1967 we established our own FAA shop number 5048 as R. Williams Aircraft Inst. We sold that business in 1970 and bought the boatel on Little Torch Key, Fla. Marjorie operated the motel section while I took guests fishing in the Atlantic and the Gulf side back country.

Robert built this Sig 4-Star 40 from the kit. Hand painted it with Sig Dope over Silray fabric, and nylon covering the wing with brushes. The shark-mouth was done free-hand with tiny brushes. Radio was a Futaba 6-FG, and the engine was a Fox .46. It was built in 1992 and flown by 2 owners after Robert sold it to a Hobby Shop in Melbourne, Fla. on Dec. 18, 1996.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Robert and Marjorie just married with her sister Dora as her Maid-of-honor and my brother Jim was my best-man in Nov. 1963 at Hialeah, Fla. We had a wonderful 14 years before she was taken by cancer in Dec. 1977.

Robert with daughter Mary Enberg on my left, her grand-daughter Kristen and my mother Maurine right behind me in Red Lobster at Melbourne, Fla. in July 2002. Kristen's mother Christine shot the picture. It was our last visit before moving to Ark. My mom was 92 here.

Mom with one of her paintings in 2000 at Melbourne, Fla. She worked with oil, acrylics, and was quite adept with water color. She took first place prizes in Florida and in Las Vegas while we lived there 1978 to 1981. She was also a very good writer and poet producing six volumes in print. Her last book signing was at Barnes & Noble in Melbourne, Fla. on July 29, 2002. That was for her book "THE TWIN AND OTHER STORIES". A collection of fictional short stories. Just before that she had published a collection of 147 of her poems titled "NOT TALKING HIGH TECH".

Robert having a game of Risk with brother Jim at our Dad's home in Richardson, Tex. in March 1978. Dad's birthday was the 12th and I drove out there from Big Pine in time to celebrate with him. My birthday was soon so they gave me the Texas shirt and said I had to wear it even though I was a staunch fan of the Miami Hurricanes since 1940 when I was 9. In this shot I was 47 and Jim was 37. Dad passed away June 4th '79 at age 73.

Mom with my brother Jim on 6th floor of a friend's apt at Melbourne, Fla. in 1999. Jim had driven from Corpus Christi, Tex. to go to his high school 40th class reunion in Miami. He graduated from Miami High in June '59 and was a student at the University of Miami for 2 years before moving to the University of Fla. to major in math. He later earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology at Texas Tech in Lubbock. Jim was robbed and shot in his front yard in Corpus Christi. He died in Jan. '03 at the age of 61. His wife Linda has carried on raising their son, Garrett who is now an RN. Garrett reflects his mother's wonderful qualities. He's now married to a fine young lady.
My Mom, Maurine Williams, at age 95. She passed away in June '06 with pneumonia.
My Mom, Maurine Williams, at her party celebrating her 95 th birthday with Mrs. Melvin Carter, and Mrs. Mark Carter. They were watching a performance by a musical group my brother hired called Zirconium. Those fellows are really good singers and very entertaining.

Stella Dieckmann with nice Dolphin in 1976. They were our neighbors on Big Pine Key. I bought my boat gas from Jack as he had a 550 gal tank and wanted to move it quickly to keep fresh gas. He also supplied other friends to keep it moving. At our Boatel on Little Torch I had had a 288 gal tank which did not last long as I sold to our guests and used quite a bit on my charter trips. In 1971 I got gas delivered from Key West for 32 cents per gal and sold it to our guests for 40 cents. The good old days were really great.

Robert rebuilding the boat trailer. Marjorie sneaked up with a camera and I did not hear her as my grinder was too loud. Living in the keys for 10 years I learned you will fight rust every day. After Marjorie passed away I moved with my Mom to Las Vegas for 3 years. We moved back to the south in 1981.

Marjorie and Robert with nice Dolphin(MAHI MAHI) they caught fishing with Frank and Inez Dolan on their 25 foot Bertram. They were good friends we played cards with along with the Berniers and Jack and Stella Dieckmann. All neighbors on Big Pine Key. Frank and Jack were retired Colonel's from the U.S. Air Force. They had flown in WW Two all the way into Vietnam.

Marjorie with 16 pound Cobia that lost part of its tail to a big Barracuda as she was reeling it in.
Marjorie with 31 pound Kingfish that was a great fighter, but she whipped him.

Marjorie with Tarpon caught under the bridge on the west end of the causeway between Little Torch Key and Big Pine Key, Fla. This was in Aug. 1970 during the falling tide using a live Pinfish we caught from the dock in our boat basin. We never fished for Tarpon again as you can't eat them.

Marjorie with big Mutton Snapper in 1969 on Little Torch Key before we moved there after buying the Boatel from Irma Price in Dec. 1969.

Marjorie with 40 pound Amberjack that gave her a good fight. She loved catching big fish and loved eating them even more.

Marjorie with big Grouper in 1971 at our Boatel on Little Torch Key. She loved fishing and swimming in the ocean.

L to R Robert's aunts, Gloria, Dorris, Pauline, and mother, Maurine Williams. My mom and her sisters have all passed away.

Anita Bernier with big Mutton Snapper on the steps leading to their boat dock which is not yet finished. They spent five years building their home on Big Pine Key.

Robert with John Bernier on John's boat taking out the first load of traps for lobster in 1974. We were partners for three years in trapping Stone Crabs and Florida Lobster. I built traps and John did the pulling. We stopped when my wife Marjorie passed away in Dec. 1977. We were next door neighbors on Big Pine Key. John was also my Pinnochle partner when we played against my wife and his wife Anita.

Allen Hallas with big Dolphin in 1971 at Little Torch Key, Fla. Today Al is my good friend and the son of Ernie and Marilyn Hallas who were my best friends till they passed away in March 1989 in Miami, Fla.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Robert with staff of the Music Conservatory of Miami. My voice teacher, Roy Oliver is in the white jacket. Just behind him is my agent, Burton VanDusen who got me gigs on Miami Beach at the Americana Hotel, Surfside Auditorium, and several clubs, and lounges. Marjorie and I were married in Nov. 1963 and I soon ended my career. I did resume singing in lounges in 1979 and 1980 in Las Vegas as Marjorie had passed away in Dec. 1977.
A year after losing Betty Jean I tried wrestling as a sideline. I never gave up my day job at The National Aviation Service Co. in Miami. This ring was in Hialeah, Fla. where we held wrestling matches in the Convention Center on Friday nights. I had lifted weights and worked out on the parallel bars in my younger days between 18 and 24 so it didn't take long to get in shape.
My little patriotic display in a Williams Baptist College mug. It was originally Southern Baptist College when founded in 1941 at Pocahontas, Ark. by my uncle, Dr. H.E. Williams. After a fire ravaged the main building the college moved to the WW Two airbase at Walnut Ridge, Ark. I attended the highschool department for my Junior year of highschool in 1947. My mother set up the Art Dept. at the college and taught some courses in Public School Art to teacher trainees that year. I was fortunate to be able to have frequent flight instruction by Bryant Denison who had flown P-47 fighters in the Pacific Theater in WW Two.

Robert with step-daughter Eydie Clifford Fuis in 1981.This was made at Ft Worth, Tex. Eydie was stationed at NAS Dallas. She served three years active duty and seven in the Naval Reserve. She was married to Brian Fuis who was in the U.S. Air Force at the time. He served seven years active.
This was my Mom at age 42 as she graduated from Arkansas State Teachers College in 1952 She had taught school off and on since 1926 having obtained her first teaching license at the age of 16

This was my Dad and Mom in 1942 Dad was a career U.S. Naval Officer and a real warrior. He was in combat from the Marshall Is. through seventeen beachhead operations across the Pacific. He was awarded a Silver Star for his first action in the Marshalls. He was wounded at Saipan and spent a month on a hospital ship off Tinian. He went back on duty to be involved with the landings at Leyte in the Phillipines and was in the group of volunteers who took the Underwater Demolition Teams (FROG MEN) close to the shore at Iwo Jima to blow up the barriers the Japs had built to try to keep the troops from landing. Later he was at Okinawa through all the Kamekazi attacks. For all his combat actions he received several more medals including a Purple Heart and a Legion Of Merit and his unit received two Presidential Citations.
This was my Mom (MAURINE SLAUGHTER) at age 13 during the year her father taught school in Kansas City, Mo. She was the oldest of four girls who were the children of Robert Newton Slaughter and Daisy Dean Marshall Slaughter.
My Mom just after retiring from teaching in Hialeah, Fla.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Marjorie and my mom Maurine Williams

Marjorie Williams with my mom Maurine Williams on her left in 1967 at Christmas time in Hialeah, Fla

Ruby Sullivan 1947

My friend in highschool. Ruby Sullivan was a senior when I was a sophmore in 1946 at Bauxite High in Arkansas

Robert Williams with little helper Jason Hart in Bainbridge, Ga 1987 Robert built this Goldberg Sky Tiger from a kit and painted it with brushes using soft tape for making the scallops This was my R/C number 56 Jason grew up to be a very good R/C pilot

Friday, January 16, 2009

Robert 1962 Miami Conservatory Of Music Had voice training with Roy Oliver for three years Sang in clubs, bars in Miami Beach and Surfside also Dania and Coral Gables and Channel 4 Miami between 1954 and 1964

Robert's 1953 Ford Coupe customized by Robert It had a great running flathead V-8 with a stick

Robert at age 77 still driving hard

Robert 5 and Brother Carroll 2 on a ball field along SW 8 St in Miami Fla. in 1936. The gas station in background was owned by the Rebozo brothers. We used to buy Nehi grape soda from them. Many years later Bebe Rebozo became a good friend of President Nixon.